


Angel Food PkUP Van  Angel Food PkUP Frances, Me, Judy
Angelfood Ministry

At Bethesda:

We seek to share the Good News of Jesus and God’s love.

While we: Glorify God-Make Disciples-Meet Human Need


 We Believe The Church as the Body of Christ is Called to:

1. Be a sign in and for the world of
the new reality which God has made available to people
 in Jesus Christ.

2. The new reality revealed in Jesus Christ is the new humanity,
 a new creation, a new beginning for human life in the world:
(a) Sin is forgiven.
(b) Reconciliation is accomplished.
(c) The dividing walls of hostility are torn down.

3. Tell the good news of salvation by
the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ as the only Savior
and Lord, proclaiming in Word and Sacrament that
(a) the new age has dawned.
(b) God who creates life, frees those in bondage, forgives
sin, reconciles brokenness, makes all things new, is still at
work in the world.

4. Present the claims of Jesus Christ, leading persons to repentance,
 acceptance of him as Savior and Lord, and new life as his disciples.

5. Be Christ’s faithful evangelist by going into the world,
making disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all he has commanded.

6.  Demonstrate by the love of its members for one another
and by the quality of its common life the newreality in Christ;
sharing in worship, fellowship, and nurture,
practicing a deepened life of prayer and service
under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

7. Participate in God’s activity in the world through its life for others by:
(a) healing and reconciling and binding up wounds,
(b) ministering to the needs of the poor, the sick, the
lonely, and the powerless,
(c) engaging in the struggle to free people from sin,
fear, oppression, hunger, and injustice,
(d) giving itself and its substance to the service of
those who suffer,
(e) sharing with Christ in the establishing of his just,
peaceable, and loving rule in the world.

The Church is called to undertake this mission even at the risk
of losing its life, trusting in God alone as the author and giver of
life, sharing the gospel, and doing those deeds in the world that
point beyond themselves to the new reality in Christ

                                                                                                      (adapted from the Book of Order G.3.0200)


If you do not have a church home, we invite you to come visit with us soon.

We are the church of your childhood (or your grandma’s!), where you will find a

warm, friendly family with whom you can grow in your personal discipleship

and journey with Jesus Christ.   Dress is always casual.

That’s never old fashion!

11:00 a.m. Sunday Worship is traditional but innovative and refreshing. 

Sermons are always relevant to the circumstances we encounter on a daily basis

as we live out our faith.

And…Good Seats are Still Available!